Tuesday, May 6, 2008

4-Day Weekend...Working

I really wanted to make an effort to never discuss work on this blog.  However, my work occupied all of my time last Thursday through Sunday.  It wasn't horrible, just long and the type of tiring that one doesn't fully realize until the job is completely over.  Which is good,  I think.  It's amazing to be part of a large group working toward the same common goal.  It's not amazing, however, when one person clearly doesn't see the same benefits of this type of working environment.  

That aside, I ran into an old college friend I hadn't seen in about 7 years.  Crazy.  Other pluses include not spending any money for four days, getting to know some of my co-workers better and spending a few nights in a really nice hotel (one of them with P)!  Time for a mini-vacation though.  Thinking about a camping weekend in a few weeks.  It has to be somewhere in a 3-4 hour radius of C-bus.  Thoughts?

In other news, I want a scooter.  $3.64 a gallon?  Are you kidding me?