Monday, June 16, 2008

Be Kind, Please Rewind

Maybe it's because we're old-fashioned. Maybe it's because we're just not that into technology. Or maybe it's because we're "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" type of people. Whatever the reason, we still own and use a VCR.

It's actually a little 19-inch TV/VCR combo that I bought for my college dorm room. I got it at Value City for around $80 and my mom DID NOT want me to waste my money on it. Because #1, it was from Value City (if you don't know me, take with you this one thing: I heart the VC) and #2, it was a combo unit which, according to something she read, break easily.

Well, here I am 10 years later and five years into marriage, and that thing still sits on my dresser. Sometimes I long for a cute flat screen with a sleek DVD player. The picture would be better and we'd have twice as much space for more of my junk piles on the dresser. The one thing that holds us back? Laying in bed at night and watching some of our favorite movies that just happen to be on VHS tapes.

I know, I know. We could easily replace all of them with DVDs. But I am currently not that organized and I'm guessing that I won't be anytime soon. So we end up watching a lot of our favorites that we'd probably forget about otherwise. I'm talking about movies like Back to the Future, The Goonies, Maverick, Top Gun (I didn't put those next to each other on purpose, I swear), The Last of the Mohicans and friggin' Memphis Belle.

We've spent the last few nights watching Back to the Future and I'm amazed by how much that movie rocks. It's so original and creative, I just can't get over it. The flux capacitor, 1.21 gigawatts, and "Get your damn hands off her." Not to mention the fabulous performances from Michael J. Fox, Crispin Glover and Christopher Lloyd. And to think, with a DVD player in our bedroom, Back to the Future might have been lost to us except for the occasional showing on TBS.

So I think we're all set on the technology front for now. Or until the TV/VCR combo breaks, just like my mom said it would.

P.S. Value City, I knew you wouldn't let me down.


Anonymous said...

Can I borrow your VCR tape of sixteen candles? I feeling really gay tonight.

Frank said...

Rounders - I still watch it in VHS (too cheap and the cards run too bad for me to afford a DVD.)