Friday, August 28, 2009

August: The Most Pathetic Month Of All

Well, at least for me. 1 post? Pathetic! I have to admit though, the past month has been packed with activities, some fun, some sad, but nothing blog-worthy. So I'm going to finish out the rest of the month with a post a day. This is mostly a challenge to myself to see if I can come up with something significant for four consecutive days. After all, I caught myself taking pictures of a praying mantis earlier today. With my new iPhone. So consider this blog therapy.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kids. I've Got To Get Me One.

Overheard in the Home department at Elder-Beerman:

Young Boy, about 8: "It was really cool just like I knew it would be. Cole said it looked exactly like that at the Swisstonian."

Amused Mother: "I think you mean the Smithsonian."


Young Boy: "Oh. Well, I call it the Swisstonian. So anyway..."

Huh. The Swisstonian. I like it! Even if all they display is historical cheese.