Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Absence. . .

. . .can be explained with one word and one picture.

The word? Vacation.

The picture? Low country boil:

Mmmmm, three of my favorite foods: seafood, sausage and starch! I just HAD to be a tourist and take a picture. The place had baby alligators in a lagoon out front though, so I'm pretty sure they welcome tourists and their pictures.

(As a side note, thanks for the surprise birthday trip, P! I expected 30 to be a tough one, but Savannah, plenty of seafood, the beach and spending time with you made it completely enjoyable.)


Jim Brochowski said...

Yeah, that made me hungry.

Age is a state of mind. Personally, I can't wait until I'm old enough to get my drivers license.

Of course Tuesday I wanted to apply for my AARP card.

Glad you had such a great trip!

And Kudos to P!